Found a thing while reading the Ruleset for my thesis (ty btw Orjan and
Chuck for those recent replies, I appreciate it)


R2485 has:

(...) If the player does not do so within 1 day of deregistration, the
> Registrar CAN and SHALL cause that player to pay eir Balance to Agora and
> to transfer all of eir Estates to Agora, by announcement.

R2483 has:

Agora, each player, and each organization have corresponding switches known
> as Balance switches.

So, persons don't have Balance Switches. (By " No other entity possesses an
instance of that switch." in R2162)

How can someone without a Balance - someone deregistered, a non-player -
make any transfers?

So I believe that the part I've quoted in 2485 doesn't work. It's bugged.

PROTO: something something, Persons have balances.

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