On Wed, 2017-06-21 at 07:53 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> "Official" gratuitous arguments have less impact on the initial judgement
> than they used to, now that the Arbitor doesn't assemble case logs before
> assigning cases, so each individual Judge has to go looking for them even
> if they're posted in BUS (slightly unfortunate, but better to have cases
> assigned in a timely manner IMO).

I typically attempt to ensure that all the relevant conversation about
the CFJ at the time of assignment is present in the assignment email
(often it's all in one thread without replies being edited down, so
quoting that email is all that's required). In cases where the
conversation's split into multiple threads, I use archive links.

This doesn't, of course, take into account comments made after the
assignment of the CFJ.


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