On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:40 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jun 2017, CuddleBeam wrote:
> > It... seems extremely easy to just make more emails and have a bunch of
> sockpuppets.
> > Has it been an issue in the past? There doesn't seem to be any direct
> measures against it.
> We've had more explicit rules against it before.
> Right now, if you were already registered, and tried to register under a
> different
> name, it would really be you trying to "register twice".  Since that's
> you'd be breaking No Faking.  (and anything you tried to do "as two
> people" after
> that - supporting yourself, or voting twice, would also break No Faking).
> When Alexis re-registered, e didn't *tell* people e used to be scshunt, e
> let
> people assume that for the Ribbon ratification.  E was very, very careful
> there,
> and only let it last as long as absolutely necessary for that (and of
> course, e
> was only ever one player at once).
> These days, self-ratification means things probably don't break as badly
> as they
> once did when it happened, but they still could.
> In practice, we know it's practically impossible to detect if someone
> doesn't slip
> up.  So we put a *really really high* "don't do that - it's Bad Form"
> social
> pressure on it.  It's a strong enough taboo that I don't doubt if someone
> was caught
> taking egregious game advantage, we'd deregister em permanently via
> proposal (don't
> test that one pls).
> (Also:  this is an obvious enough thing to think "aha - a scam" that
> you're right,
> it should be an explicit prohibition or something for a FAQ).
> -G.
Proto Proposal:
AI = 4
Title: When two become one
Rule: 'A short list of things that are too agregious to even attempt'
Doing any of the following is `Treating Agora Right Bad Forever` and are
bannable offenses:
- A single person attempting to register as two players

If a person is found to have `Treaded Agora Right Bad Forever` the
Registrar CAN and SHALL  deregister em and permanently ban them from Agora,
now and forever.  A banned person CANNOT register.

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