Note: there is no pmp any more - is the plp accurate to recently passed rule changes? (I am unsure)
On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 01:17 Aris Merchant <> wrote: > The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals: > > ID Author(s) AI Title > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > pp1 Ienpw III 1.0 Reader's Digest > pp2 G., [2] 1.7 Betterer Pledges, (BBoRWCDaPWDaLoEWSWW) > pp3 Gaelan 1.0 No Sneakiness > pp4 o, Aris 2.0 Deregistration and Assets > pp5 nichdel 1.2 Organization Integration and Stamp Collecting > pp6 Gaelan 1.0 Sequential Numbering > pp7 Gaelan 1.5 State of the Union > pp8 Gaelan, [3] 2.0 Judicial Reform v2 > pp9 Quazie 3.0 Throw off Your Chains [4] > > Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending. > > [1] ...with power threshold 1.7. > [2] Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐 > [3] Aris, Quazie > [4] The existence of this proposal and whether it currently exists, are > provisional. > > > The Pending List Price (PLP) is 6 shinies. The Pending Minimum Price (PMP) > is 5 shinies. > > > The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below. > > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp1 > Title: Readr's Digest > Adoption index: 1.0 > Author: Ienpw III > Co-author(s): > > > Enact a new rule entitled "Reader's Digest": { > There exists an elected office called Digestive System. "Digestibility" > is a > singleton switch tracked by the Digestive System with possible values > "MONTHLY" and "WEEKLY"; the Digestive System can flip this by > announcement. > > The Digestive System SHALL regularly issue a report which accurately > summarizes the state and activities of Agoranomic throughout the relevant > period. This report need not be comprehensive, but will contain that > information, as assessed by the Digestive System, which would be of the > greatest relevance or importance for a player who had been inattentive > to the > state of the nomic during the relevant period. If Digestibility is > MONTHLY, > the relevant period is the preceding month; if it is WEEKLY, it is the > preceding week. > } > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp2 > Title: Betterer Pledges, (BBoRWCDaPWDaLoEWSWW) > Adoption index: 1.7 > Author: Quazie > Co-author(s): G., Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐 > > > Replace the text of Rule 2450 with the following: > {{{ > Breaking a publicly-made pledge is a cardable offense. > > If a publicly-made pledge says that the creator of a pledge will do > something, > without providing a time limit, then e SHALL do so in a timely manner in > order > to not break said pledge. > > A player CANNOT make any pledge that would create new obligations for any > other person or office, without the other party's explicit consent. > }}} > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp3 > Title: No Sneakiness > Adoption index: 1.0 > Author: Gaelan > Co-author(s): > > > Create a rule “No Sneakiness” with the following text: { > If the rules specify that an action may be performed by sending a > message to > a public forum, any attempts to perform the action in a way that is > clearly > intended to prevent others from detecting the action (such as by > embedding it > in another, longer message) are INEFFECTIVE. > } > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp4 > Title: Deregistration and Assets > Adoption index: 2.0 > Author: o > Co-author(s): Aris > > > Amend rule 2485, "You can't take it with you", by changing its title to > "You Can't Take It With You", then by changing the text to read, in > full: > > "Heir" is a person switch, tracked by the Registrar, whose value is > either Agora (the default value), or a player other than emself, or > an Organization. A player may flip eir Heir by announcement. > > When a player is deregistered, e automatically pays all of eir > Shinies and transfers all of eir Estates to eir Heir, immediately > before deregistration. > > Amend rule 2461 ("Death and Birth of Organizations") by changing its > power to 2, then by adding the following paragraph between the > paragraph beginning "If an Organization's Income is ever lower [...]" > and the paragraph beginning "If a player's Expenditure is at most > [...]": > > Immediately before an Organization is destroyed, it automatically > pays all of its Shinies to Agora, and transfers all of its Estates > to Agora. > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp5 > Title: Organization Integration and Stamp Collecting > Adoption index: 1.2 > Author: nichdel > Co-author(s): > > > Amend "Organizations" by replacing the second, third, and fourth > paragraphs with: > > Players may become members of an organization by announcement as > specified by the charter of the organization. Players may stop being > a member of an organization by announcement. > > An organization may cause any player to stop being a member as > specified in its charter. > > [Remove Budget and make org membership more flexible.] > > Amend "Death and Birth of Organizations to read, in full: > > The Administrative Fee is 5 shinies. > > An organization is "In Bad Standing" if it a) has no members or b) > was not created this month and has not paid the Administrative Fee to > Agora. > > If an organization is In Bad Standing for more than 7 days, then any > player CAN destroy it by announcement, and the Secretary SHALL do so > in a timely fashion if the situation persists. > > Any player CAN create an Organization by announcement by paying the > Administrative Fee to Agora and specifying a name for the > Organization that is unique among Organizations and a Charter. > > [Replaces Budget with the Administrative Fee. Combined with giving org's > more control over their membership, it allows for orgs to raise money > and pay the fee in whichever way seems appropriate to them. Also removed > the limits on org membership and creation, because the price should be > a good enough limiters.] > > Amend "Organization Restructuring" by removing the text "Budget or", and > removing the paragraph starting with "2.", then changing "3." to "2.". > > [Budget cleanup] > > Enact a power 1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text: > > Stamps are a type of asset tracked by the Secretary. Each Stamp is > identified by the person or organization that created the Stamp. > Stamps created by the same person or organization are fungible. > > The Stamp Price is always 4 times the current Pending List Price. > > Once per month any player MAY, by announcement, pay Agora the Stamp > Price, in shinies, to create one Stamp in eir possession. Once per > month any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the > organization's charter, pay Agora the Stamp Price, in shinies, to > create one Stamp in its possession. > > Any player MAY, by announcement, destroy a specified Stamp in eir > possession. Any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the > organization's charter, destroy a specified Stamp in its possession. > Whenever an organization or player destroys a Stamp in eir > possession, Agora SHALL pay em the Stamp Price. > > When a player has in eir possession at least one Stamp created by 15 > different players or organizations then e may win by announcement, > specifying each stamp e possesses. When a player does so > successfully, all Stamps in eir possession are destroyed. > > [This implements what I described previously. Stamps are both a > speculative currency, with a changing value month-to-month, and a > valuable win condition. Also note that with the org changes, a single > player could create all the Stamps e needs, but it'd be more expensive > than gaining them via trade due to the Administrative fee.] > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp6 > Title: Sequential Numbering > Adoption index: 1.0 > Author: Gaelan > Co-author(s): > > > Create the rule “Sequential Numbering,” power 1: { > When the Rulekeepor adds a new rule to the ruleset, e SHALL give it an ID > number one higher than the highest ever assigned. > } > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp7 > Title: State of the Union > Adoption index: 1.5 > Author: Gaelan > Co-author(s): > > > Create the power-1.5 rule “Internal State” with this text: { > An Agency or Organization’s Internal State is state that is defined by > the > Agency or Organization’s text (Power or Charter), but not by any rules. > > An Agency or Organization has a Responsible Player for each part of its > Internal State; the Responsible Player SHALL publish a weekly report > describing that state. The portion of such a report that describes this > state > is self-ratifying. > > The responsible player for all of an Agency’s state is that agency’s > Head. An > Organization’s Charter must define a Responsible Player for all of its > state; > any player can destroy an organization which does not do so with 1 week > Notice. > } > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp8 > Title: Judicial Reform v2 > Adoption index: 2.0 > Author: Gaelan > Co-author(s): Aris, Quazie > > > Amend R991 “Calls for Judgement” by replacing the last paragraph with { > > “Judge Status” is a player switch tracked by the Arbitor in eir monthly > report, with valid values of “Narrow” (default) and “Wide.” A player may > flip eir own Judge Status by announcement. > > When a CFJ has no judge assigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any player to > be its > judge by announcement, and SHALL do so within a week, but CANNOT do so if > fewer than 2 days have passed since the CFJ was initiated. The players > eligible to be assigned as judge are players except the initiator and the > person barred (if any) who fulfill one of these requirements: > > 1. Eir Judge Status is set to Narrow, and they have publicly declared > Interest in the CFJ. > > 2. Eir Judge Status is set to Wide, and they have not publicly declared > Disinterest in the CFJ. > > The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all interested > players > have reasonably equal opportunities to judge. If a CFJ has no judge > assigned, > then any player eligible to judge that CFJ CAN assign it to emself > Without 3 > Objections. > > If there are no eligible judges for a CFJ for a period of 2 weeks, any > player > CAN judge it as DISMISS with 2 days Notice. > } > > For all players who have been assigned a CFJ within the past 2 weeks, flip > their > Judge Status to Wide. > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > ID: pp9 > Title: Throw off Your Chains > Adoption index: 3.0 > Author: Quazie (provisional) > Co-author(s): > The existence of this proposal and whether it currently exists, are > provisional. > > WHEREAS: > The perpetuation of dictatorship is not treating Agora Right Good > Forever; > > and WHEREAS: > The existence of dictatorship is an anathema, and the presence of > a current dictatorship in the Rules is a Mess of our own making; > > and WHEREAS: > The persons in power have not made a visible effort to clean up > said mess, in perhaps hoping that the hoi agorai will remain > docile, or apathetic; > > and WHEREAS: > such docility, in the long-term, is fully AGAINST OUR NATURE; > > BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: > That Rule 2942 (Reward and Delay) is hereby REPEALED. > > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >