So I didn't mean to entirely destroy proposal competitions. Here's a potential simple fix.
Proto (NOT a proposal): Simple Competition Fix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [While we all seem to be agreeing that the current economy is not perfect, here's a very simple fix to proposal competitions in the mean time, so we're not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.] Amend Rule 2431 (Proposal Competitions) by replacing: During the Agoran Week following the initiation of a Proposal Competition, any player CAN specify that a Proposal e submits is a Competition Proposal for that Competition. Players are ENCOURAGED to describe how their Competition Proposals fulfill the Objective. with: During the week following the initiation of a Proposal Competition, each player CAN make up to N [3?] Proposals in the Proposal Pool into Competition Proposals for that Competition, by announcement. Players are ENCOURAGED to describe how their Competition Proposals fulfill the Objective. When a Proposal becomes a Competition Proposal, its imminence is flipped to Pending. and by replacing: The Promotor SHALL distribute all Competition Proposals with: After the week has passed, the Promotor SHALL distribute all pending Competition Proposals [You can do others' proposals; it has to be one in the proposal pool. The N limit is to make people think a bit so it's not just a whole bunch of freebies]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------