I think GII is missing. 

> On Jun 5, 2017, at 10:38 AM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Superintendent's Weekly Report
> Short List of agencies:
>   ASC - Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>   C♥️N - Head: CuddleBeam
>   C♥️U - Head: CuddleBeam
>   GOD - Head: Quazie
>   MKD - Head: Gaelan
>   PRN - Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> ! QPS - Head: Quazie
>   SSP - Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>   WTQ - Head: Quazie
>   gFP - Head: grok
>   𒌑შए - Head: 天火狐
> New or changed agencies since last weekly:
> Agoran SubNomic Corporation  (ASC)
> Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> Agents:  All persons
> Powers:  Participation is a type of negative boolean person switch,
>   like that defined in Rule 2162/8. There exists an instance of the
>   Participation switch for each combination of a person and a subnomic
>   (defined below). The internal state of the Agoran SubNomic
>   Corporation consists of any documents or switches defined in this
>   field or in documents defined therein. No amendment to this document
>   shall change the internal state of the Agoran SubNomic Corporation
>   beyond the explicit textual changes, unless explicitly stated
>   otherwise.
> Any person with a Participation switch of true between emselves and a
>   specific subnomic, may, if allowed by the ruleset (see below) of
>   that subnomic, publish a report covering some subset of the internal
>   state of the subnomic with which eir participation switch is true,
>   on behalf of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.
> A subnomic is an entity having a unique name, a ruleset, an internal
>   state, and a playership. The internal state of a subnomic consists
>   of any documents or switches defined in the ruleset of that subnomic
>   or in documents defined therein. The playership of a subnomic is a
>   set of all people for whom the participation switch between em and
>   the specific subnomic is true. All members of the playership shall
>   be bound by the ruleset. The ruleset of a subnomic is a document
>   which governs play of the subnomic.
> A subnomic may be created by any person by announcement by publishing
>   a ruleset to begin the playing of the subnomic with, declaring a
>   unique name for the subnomic, and flipping the participation switch
>   between em and the new subnomic to true. Persons may never flip a
>   participation switch that is not eir own.
> A subnomic may be destroyed by Publius Scribonius Scholasticus without
>   objection.
> If allowed by the ruleset of a specific subnomic, any person may flip
>   the participation switch between em and the specific subnomic.
>   Persons SHALL NOT flip eir participation switches to true unless
>   allowed by the rulesets of the specific subnomics. At any time, a
>   person may flip eir participation switch with a certain subnomic to
>   false.
> ----
> Cuddlebeam ♥️ Novelty  (C♥️N)
> Head: CuddleBeam
> Agents:  All persons
> Powers:  📌 Note: This Agency contains a Collection of pseudo-
>   Agencies ("SubAgencies") which have been designed for novelty and
>   nomic experimentation/research purposes. For Cuddlebeam's Agency-
>   powered utility and productivity functions, please refer to the
>   "Cuddlebeam ♥️ Utility" (C♥️U) Agency.
> ⭐Table of Contents & Short Summary:
>   1) Functionality Rules: How this works.
>   2) Cuddlebeam's Computer Emulation: Emulates a computer interface in
>   Agora's formal space.
>   3) Big Grafitti Wall: Area that any Player can edit with frivolous
>   content. Self-referential Power.
>   4) Alien Contact Program: Works like a SETI dish. Except its a
>   formal item instead of a dish.
>   5) Everyone is Playing Nomic: Similar to BGW, except enhanced to be
>   a nomic.
> ⭐Functionality Rules: How this works.
> For the purpose of this document, there exists "SubAgencies", as
>   described within this Powers section, which is made up of a SubName,
>   SubAgents and SubPowers section which can be filled with text
>   content. Only Agents which are part of the subset which SubAgency's
>   SubAgents section refers to can employ the abilities described in
>   the Powers section of that SubAgency.
> SubAgencies, for the purpose of this document, are known to be "sub-
>   documents".
> The string "-----♦️-----" in this document are readability
>   separators and are known as a ReadFriend.
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> 📌Note: I want to get Doom, the videogame, running on this later. I
>   still gotta get to that if I ever do.
> -----♦️-----
> • SubName: Cuddlebeam's Computer Emulation
> • SubAgents: All Players
> • SubPowers:  For the purpose of this sub-document, there exists the
>   following entities:
> - The Screen
> - Pixels
> - The Keyboard
> - Keys
> - The Clock
> - The Cartridge
> - The Supplements
> A cell in a grid can be a Pixel. Pixels have a color value, which can
>   be any color and defaults to pure black.
> The Screen is a 320 x 200 Cartesian grid of Pixels.
> The Keyboard is formed by an amount of Keys. Keys have a name (which
>   is also their symbol). These Keys (stated by their names) are: a, b,
>   c, d , e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x,
>   y, z, ⬇️, ➡️, ⬅️, ⬆️ and RESET.
> For the purpose of this sub-document, "Pressing [X] Key", where [X] is
>   the name of a certain key, exists.
> The Keyboard has one of each of those Keys.
> The Clock is a variable that can hold an integer value. This defaults
>   to 0.
> The Cartridge is a one-item list of entities, and these entities can
>   be the name of an Agency, a SubAgency, or none.
> The following is the Cartridge: none
> The text content between this sentence and the next one which contains
>   "Cartridge content ends here" is to be considered to be read as the
>   Powers text content of the Agency the Cartridge is naming, if there
>   is any.
> "Cartridge content ends here".
> The Supplements are a list of entities, and these entities can be the
>   name of an Agency, or none.
> The following is the Supplements: none
> The text content between this sentence and the next one which contains
>   "Supplement content ends here" is to be considered to be read as the
>   Powers text content of the Agencies and/or SubAgencies the
>   Supplements are naming, stated in the order that they appear above,
>   if there are any.
> "Supplement content ends here".
> -----♦️-----
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> -----♦️-----
> • SubName: Big Grafitti Wall (BGW)
> • SubAgents: All Players
> • SubPowers: Any SubAgent of this SubAgency may add additional
>   characters to the text content of the SubPowers of this agency as
>   long as such changes are entirely frivolous. SubAgents may also make
>   a 24h Notice of this intent. Any SubAgent may announce that they
>   will perform modifications to this SubPowers section.
> Cuddlebeam was here.
> grok (kinda) was here so I'm writing em in here anyways.
> i spent time of my short human life doing this
> hi mom
> -----♦️-----
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> 📌Note: Agency that uses its Agents area as validation for who the
>   user is, in this case, Aliens.
> -----♦️-----
> SubName: Alien Contact Program (ACP)
> SubAgents: All persons which are native to a planet which isn't
>   Earth.(Individuals of this set are also known as "Aliens" for the
>   purpose of this sub-document)
> SubPowers: At any moment, an Alien may post a message on Cuddlebeam's
>   behalf with the content of "Hello, I am an alien and I am making
>   contact" along any additional information such an Alien considers
>   interesting about themselves.
> -----♦️-----
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> 📌Note: Reminder to self to finish making a variant on this into a
>   fractal nomic with infinite sub-nomics within it.
> -----♦️-----
> • SubName: Everyone is Playing Nomic (EPN)
> • SubAgents: All persons
> • SubPowers: The content in this SubPowers section below the BIG
>   LINE can be modified at will by any SubAgent by announcing this
>   intent, as long as they comply to the rules written below the BIG
>   LINE. SubAgents may also make a 24h Notice of this intent. All
>   content below the BIG LINE have no formal powers aside from
>   restricting what SubAgents may edit into it.
> The next 54 characters that appear after the colon in this sentence is
> the BIG LINE:
> ----------HELLO MY FRIENDS I AM THE BIG LINE----------
> Nobody can make modifications to this sub-document which would prevent
>   any
> subset of all possible modifications to be able to be made nor remove
> this sentence.
> Peter Suber is a Very Cool Guy.
> -----♦️-----
> ----
> Cuddlebeam ♥️ Utility  (C♥️U)
> Head: CuddleBeam
> Agents:  All persons
> Powers:  📌 Note: This Agency contains a Collection of pseudo-
>   Agencies ("SubAgencies") which have been designed for utility and
>   productivity functions. For Cuddlebeam's utility and novelty
>   Agencies (SubAgencies), please refer to the "Cuddlebeam ♥️
>   Novelty" (C♥️N) Agency.
> ⭐Table of Contents & Short Summary:
>   1) Functionality Rules: How this works.
>   2) Cuddlebeam will Pay the Shinies: Based on Qwazie's idea. "Semi-
>   auto" payment Pledges.
>   3) Humble CFJ Shoppe: Sale of CFJs. Buy one.
>   4) Cuddlebeam's Lich Phylactery: "Semi-auto" immortality from
>   deregistration from idling.
> ⭐Functionality Rules: How this works.
> For the purpose of this document, there exists "SubAgencies", as
>   described within this Powers section, which is made up of a SubName,
>   SubAgents and SubPowers section which can be filled with text
>   content. Only Agents which are part of the subset which SubAgency's
>   SubAgents section refers to can employ the abilities described in
>   the Powers section of that SubAgency.
> SubAgencies, for the purpose of this document, are known to be "sub-
>   documents".
> The string "-----♦️-----" in this document are readability
>   separators and are known as a ReadFriend.
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> -----♦️-----
> • SubName: Cuddlebeam will Pay the Shinies (CPS)
> • SubAgents: All Players
> • SubPowers: If Cuddlebeam makes a pledge in which e pledges X
>   Shinies in return for an action or statement, the first player to
>   fulfill the action/statement in the pledge can transfer X Shinies
>   from Cuddlebeam to emself.
> -----♦️-----
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> -----♦️-----
> SubName: Humble CFJ Shoppe (HCS)
> SubAgents: Any player who assumes full responsibility for all
>   consequences stemmed from their use of the Powers of this SubAgency
>   and any consequences Cuddlebeam may incur as well due to this use.
> SubPowers: SubAgents may submit a CFJ on Cuddlebeam's behalf if they
>   fulfill the following conditions:
> * They pay Cuddlebeam at least 3 shiny in the same message as the CFJ
>   they're summoning via these Powers.
> -----♦️-----
> The following between ReadFriends is a SubAgency:
> -----♦️-----
> SubName: Cuddlebeam's Lich Phylactery (CLP)
> SubAgents: Any person
> SubPowers: SubAgents may post a message on Cuddlebeam's behalf with
>   the sole content of "Liches can't die" at any time, provided that
>   such a message has no relevancy nor effect to the game aside from
>   being able to prevent Cuddlebeam from being deregistered by virtue
>   of the content of Rule 869/39 which states the following:
> "If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in the last
>   month, then any player CAN deregister em without objection."
> -----♦️-----
> ----
> A History of agency related events:
>   2017-06-04 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes ASC
>   2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam establishes C♥️U
>   2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam establishes C♥️N
>   2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam revokes BGW
>   2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam revokes ACP
>   2017-05-25 - Superintendent's Weekly Report Published
>   2017-05-24 - grok establishes gFP
>   2017-05-23 - 天火狐 establishes 𒌑შए
>   2017-05-23 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes PRN
>   2017-05-22 - Quazie establishes WTQ
>   2017-05-22 - CuddleBeam establishes ACP
>   2017-05-22 - CuddleBeam establishes BGW
>   2017-05-21 - Quazie changes GOD
> ! 2017-05-20 - Quazie establishes QPS
>   2017-05-20 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes SSP
>   2017-05-20 - Gaelan establishes MKD
>   2017-05-20 - Quazie establishes GOD
>   2017-05-18 - Superintendent's Monthly Report Published
>   2017-05-18 - Superintendent's Weekly Report Published
>   2017-04-23 - Aris revokes PDA
>   2017-04-16 - Superintendent's Monthly Report Published
>   2017-02-13 - Aris establishes PDA
> [Note: Events and Agencies preceded by a ! are potentially invalid pending 
> CFJ]
> [Archive available at https://agoranomic.github.io/Superintendent/]

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