Some people have shown interest in a stock market and the Idea of
combining it with ownership of rules has also been mentioned. I think
this is very interesting, so here are my ideas for such a stock market.
They are not in form suited to submit as proposal yet, because this
would be my first attempt at writing a rule and I'm not sure on how to
implement various things yet. Also I want to wait for Aris' proposal on
assets to make the stock market compatible with that.
Anyway, here's how i imagined the stock market:
Up to five rules can be grouped into a rules fonds.
For each fonds, there are shares. I think a fixed number of 100 shares
per fonds should work fine.
Players can simply create fonds by announcement from rules that do not
belong to any fonds.
Fonds with no shares in circulation can be destroyed so that the rules
belonging to it can be redistributed to other fonds.
Shares can be initially bought from Agora for a fixed price (Power of
all rules belonging to the fonds added together = price of one share in
Players and organizations are then free to trade shares between each other.
Once a month the fonds makes profits or losses.
The fonds makes losses if no rule belonging to it has ben created,
amended or cited in the ruling of a CFJ.
The fonds make profits if more than half of the rules belonging to the
fonds have been created, amended or cited in the ruling of a CFJ.
If there are profits, the shareholders get paid from Agora (a percentage
of the initial price of their shares?)
If there are losses, the shareholdes have to invest additional capital,
or lose their shares in the fonds.
I think players who own no shares at all should be able to claim some
amount of shares for free, to get things started.
There probably needs to be an Officer who keeps track of existing fonds
and who owns shares of them.
I'd very much like any feedback on this. I have begun to codify these
ideas into a rule, but it's not very refined yet, as this is my first
attempt to write a rule.