I think we've found a couple of holes in the current ruleset that need
patching (I personally have a list of 6 proposals that should go in)

I think we've found a couple of places we have some issues:
1 - Maybe we are overworking our officers.
2 - We have many registered players that have made no actions, including
not voting
3 - There isn't much of an economy, and what's there isn't interesting.

All of those things feel like variants on a mess.  To treat Agora Right
Good Forever we should fix those things - and it behooves each of us to
come up with something interesting to put into the proposal competition to
make things better.

I may go so far as to include a proposal that says:

 'If a player doesn't vote on at least one proposal during this proposal
competition, then clean them up in the following way:
1 - Pay all of their shinies to eir Heir
2 - If a Heir doesn't exist pay all eir shinies to agora.
3 - If they are the head of any agency, dissolve that agency
4 - Flip all eir budget switches to 0"

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:08 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Erm, funny phrasing given a lack of something is the opposite of a mess :).
> But if that's the understanding, no worries!
> I'm concerned at jumping to reforms; for example, the judicial reform
> proposal
> IMO seems to be the opposite of reform, by imposing a bunch of structure
> that won't actually help and will make things harder for the workers
> (haven't
> followed all the drafts tho).
> On Tue, 30 May 2017, Quazie wrote:
> > I feel like 'No game play' is a valid mess to be cleaned up.
> >
> > On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 12:56 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >       Um, can you specify what "messes" you see that are actually
> needing clean up by
> >       rules changes, rather than just being a bit of high-traffic and
> new player
> >       assimilation?
> >
> >       This is apropos of recent comments that "clean up drives" in the
> past have
> >       led to less game play (after doing a couple, I think I'm swearing
> off them).
> >       "more game play" comes from imposing a new and engrossing
> activity.  Idle
> >       minds make more CFJs.
> >
> >       On Tue, 30 May 2017, Quazie wrote:
> >       > I hereby issue intent to initiate a Proposal Competition, with
> Agoran Consent, with the specified​
> >       > Objective o​​
> >       > f Treating Agora Right Good Forever by cleaning up the messes we
> have collectively created.
> >       >
> >       >
> >
> >
> >

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