On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 11:22 PM, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a proto proposal for more Executive Orders.  I think there might be
> interesting ones for Surveyor and Secretary as well, but I couldn't think of
> them just now.
> Proposal: Prime Rib
>           - De-swamp: The Prime Minister empties the proposal pool.
A bit overpowered, no?
>         Speaker:
>           - Grump: The Prime Minister may object to an attempt to gain
> Agoran
>             Consent as if e were the Speaker, thus preventing said attempt
> from
>             ever satisfying agora.
It still satisfies Agora eventually, so I'd limit this two a fixed
amount (maybe 48 hours).
>         Tailor:
>           - Pin: The Prime Minister may indicate a person, and a ribbon,
> such
>             that the person already owns said ribbon.  That person earns
> that
>             ribbon.
Why would this be useful?

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