Excitingly, this might be the shiny I gave you, maybe, much to o's chagrin.
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:21 PM CuddleBeam <cuddleb...@googlemail.com> wrote: > I pay 1 Shiny to Quazie, fulfilling, if it was ever valid, my Pledge > appended in the "Call for PiƱata" CFJ (CFJ 3505). (Because they would be > the would-be recipient of my Pledge) > > > ---------- > > > I CFJ the following statement: "The act of perfoming a '24 hours Notice' > is an action." > > I present the following evidence: > > * This is relevant to gameplay as it's important for self-referential > Powers in Agencies, for example, Big Graffiti Wall (Is granting the power > to also make the notice necessary or not?). > > * Here is Big Grafitti Wall: > https://agoranomic.github.io/Superintendent/reports/month/next.txt > > I bar grok from this case >