
(Side note: I pledged not to resolve my intent, so unless someone else attempts 
the same scam you’re fine.)

> On May 21, 2017, at 9:21 PM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:
> The office of Referee is charged with finding and penalizing rule-breaking, 
> such that Agora may proceed more smoothly and that malfeasance may be caught 
> early, before it endangers the game. This is a hefty charge. As such, I 
> intend to create an Agency, if any acronyms remain available with which to do 
> so. The Agents of this agency shall be charged with the issue of Cards on 
> behalf of the Office of the Referee.
> If you are interested in being an Agent, please let me know within the next 
> few days.
> -o

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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