I guess i would add that information into the Reportor's job?  Seems like
too similar of a role to the reportor.

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:34 PM James Beirne <james.m.bei...@gmail.com>

> Er, well it would hopefully be more of a summary than a reportage.
> The point being, someone like me who's been gone for god knows how long
> could read the last couple of digests and have a fair idea of what's going
> on.
> On 21 May 2017 at 00:22, Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And this differs from rule 2446 how?
>> Rule 2446/3 (Power=1)
>> The Agoran Newspaper
>>       The Reportor is an office.
>>       The Reportor's weekly report includes:
>>          a) A suitable name for a newspaper, at the Reportor's
>>             discretion.
>>          b) A description of events that have happened since the last
>>             report that the Reportor believes significant or
>>             interesting.
>>          c) Any editorialization or other pieces of Agora-related
>>             information the Reportor pleases, as long as it is neither
>>             i) factually incorrect nor ii) disrespectful to any person
>>             or Agora itself.
>>       While meeting these requirements, the Reportor may format eir
>>       report however e pleases.
>>       The Reportor should keep in mind that the goal of eir weekly
>>       report is to create a more informed population.
>> On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:18 PM James Beirne <james.m.bei...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'd like to register as a player for about the fifth time.
>>> I'd also like to submit a proposal entitled "Reader's Digest": {
>>> Enact a new rule entitled "Reader's Digest": {
>>> There exists an elected office called Digestive System. "Digestibility"
>>> is a singleton switch tracked by the Digestive System with possible values
>>> "MONTHLY" and "WEEKLY"; the Digestive System can flip this by announcement.
>>> The Digestive System SHALL regularly issue a report which accurately
>>> summarizes the state and activities of Agoranomic throughout the relevant
>>> period. This report need not be comprehensive, but will contain that
>>> information, as assessed by the Digestive System, which would be of the
>>> greatest relevance or importance for a player who had been inattentive to
>>> the state of the nomic during the relevant period. If Digestibility is
>>> MONTHLY, the relevant period is the preceding month; if it is WEEKLY, it is
>>> the preceding week.
>>> }
>>> }
>>> - Ienpw III

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