On 05/16/2017 11:53 AM, Alex Smith wrote:
On Tue, 2017-05-16 at 09:46 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
An issue I see is things like fluidity of translation; it would require that we
be VERY strict on things like nicknames.  If someone entered something like that
but left the period off my nickname (G instead of G.), it would be clear and
transparent to any human but would break a machine.  I don't think we'd want
to be that strict, so the expectation would be that a machine could scan and
find these transactions, but the human would always have to monitor and confirm/
edit each entry.
We could all have codenames that we use in automated transactions,
possibly distinct from our regular names. If they were anonymous, that
could potentially lead to some interesting gameplay.

A hidden role game could be fun. A single officer could accept or assign codenames and actions related to the game could be carried out by messaging the officer privately.

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