Just a notice that you haven't officially voted on 7850, due to what I
assume is a typo.

On 05/07/17 18:41, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
> I vote AGAINST proposals 1850 and 7851.
> ----
> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 7:25 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2017-05-07 at 15:56 -0700, Aris Merchant wrote:
>>> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
>>> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
>>> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the
>>> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).
>> I vote as follows:
>>> ID     Author(s)         AI   Title                Pender     Fee
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 7850*  ais523            3.0  Yet Another Scam     ais523     5
>> FOR, obviously.
>>> 7851*  ais523            1.5  [1]                  ais523     5
>> Gah, I was assuming you were going to delay this one intentionally
>> because it's obviously terrible.
>> AGAINST. (I may drop another copy of it into the pool in a while; not
>> sure yet.)
>> --
>> ais523

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