The following is a draft of my planned message to -official on Feb 1st. I 
believe the numbers are correct, but I would very much appreciate a second 
look, given the chaos I caused last time around.


Date of this payday: Wed  1 Feb, 2017
Date of last payday: Thu  6 Jan, 2017

As secretary, I cause Agora to pay the following players their salaries:

Player           Offices   Shinies
ais523                 1        20
aranea                 2        30
Aris                   1        20
Charles                         10
G.                     3        40
Henri                           10
Murphy                          10
nichdel                3        40
o                      1        20
omd                             10
Roujo                           10
Sci_Guy12                       10
Sprocklem                       10
Tekneek                         10
Warrigal, the                   10
Yally                           10
天火狐                           10

Agora’s balance is now 469 Shinies.

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