> On Nov 4, 2016, at 1:27 AM, Michael Brown <no.spoon....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am (unfortunately) a lurker here and, until today, also at Blognomic. So 
> this is officially unofficial, but I hereby move the following for 
> consideration by all watchers, lurkers and registered players of Agora:
> WHEREAS, Nomic is a precious gift to humanity; and
> WHEREAS, Long running nomics are rare, and so even more precious; and
> WHEREAS, Blognomic is a nomic whose long standing cannot be in dispute; and
> WHEREAS, Despite previous tensions and even war between the nomics, Agora is 
> Blognomic's wiser elder sibling; and
> WHEREAS, The Rules clearly implore all to "treat Agora Right Good Forever"; 
> and
> WHEREAS, The very existence of Blognomic is at stake; and
> WHEREAS, The current state of brinkmanship at Blognomic is a clear cry for 
> help; therefore be it
>   First, that the continued flourishing of Blognomic is "Right Good" for all 
> nomics everywhere; and
>   Second, that it is therefore the responsibility of all good nomic citizens 
> to stand in solidarity with Blognomic; and
>   Third, that all players, watchers and other lurkers of Agora should do all 
> in their power to ensure the survival of Blognomic; and
>   Fourth, that all players, watchers and other lurkers of Agora are therefore 
> encouraged to register as players of Blognomic and vote against the proposal 
> "Twelve Times Twelve Midnight".
>   Fifth, that it is "Right Good" for Agorans to stand in solidarity with 
> Blognomic through official legislative recognition of this dark time.

While the spirit of this idea admirable, I have serious reservations about 
calling on Agorans - or on any other group - to register and vote en bloc on 
another Nomic. For now - at least - BlogNomic regulars appear to be voting down 
the proposal that would otherwise enable the end of the game.

I obviously can’t stop anyone from going to register or to vote, but I urge 
Agorans to respect BlogNomic’s players, and to refrain from flooding out 
regular BlogNomic players in the hopes of saving BlogNomic from itself. That 
trick never works.


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