On Wed, 14 Sep 2016, ais523 wrote:
> Thus, the only other option would be a manual
> ratification. There was an intent to ratify the list of Patent Titles
> on 22 August 2016 (as a response to the problem that this CFJ
> mentioned), but as far as I can tell it was never acted upon. As such,
> the Patent Titles in question were never awarded.

I performed the manual ratification on Aug 30:

but this was after the CFJ was called, if the "time of the CFJ" is used 
for judgement (I'm not sure what the current precedents are for CFJ 
result determination timing?)

On a historical note, I'm pretty sure that before this, the Patent
Titles were *never* ratified.  I remember when I held the job a few 
years ago thinking that this deep history should be subject to 
revision if needed (though that's kinda silly I suppose...)

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