On Mon, 17 Aug 2015, omd wrote:
> - Rule 2448 is missing "History:"
> - Missing revision number in "Amended() by Proposal 7766 (scshunt), 24
> July 2015"
> - Wrong date format in "Created by Proposal 7729 (Henri), 11 Feb 2015"
> (there is more inconsistency in the older dates, but that's a bit more
> work to fix - I didn't know this before)
> Older problems you inherited:
> - Missing comma in "Amended(15) by Proposal 7465 (Walker) 17 June 2013"
> - Typo in "Amended(8) by Proposal 3559 (Murphy), Oct. 24 1997, susbtantial"
Thanks much!
I had this vague feeling that I'd missed a revision number or two.
I'm going to make these corrections and then use that as a starting point
for git doc tracking again, before putting in the last proposal batches.
(we'll still have a gap for the past few months but I've got at least some
intermediates if we care to reconstruct).