On Sat, 7 Mar 2015, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 2015-03-07 at 00:48 -0500, omd wrote:
> >       If, within the past seven days, at least eight distinct humans
> >       have declared themselves ready, then all those humans are
> >       registered, all other players are deregistered, and the Recess
> >       ends.  Once the Recess has ended, the previous two paragraphs
> >       cease to have any effect.

8 seems like too many.  I personally think 3 is fine; would go with 5.

> How many people are ready to restart right now?

What is your definition of "restart"?   Without at least a proposed 
ruleset, what problem is being solved?    There's no gameplay right now.  
A new ruleset would be just as bland.  -G.

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