In May, after the conclusion of Omnomnomic, I started a round of
Diplonomic, a sort of Diplomacy-Nomic hybrid. It is not generally open
to new players. However one player has to leave for real-life reasons,
and simultaneously a second player has silently vanished. The game does
not have any built-in provision for forfeiture -- if a player leaves
before being eliminated, we seek a replacement to takeover eir in-game
position. (This is standard for play-by-mail Diplomacy.)
The game is called 207 Kittens, and the website is
The open positions are for Imagi Nation, and possibly Hubliania. If the
current Hublianian player returns in a timely fashion he can still keep
his spot.
There is a bit of Agoran pride at stake here: you may notice that Imagi
Nation was played by Roujo. In fact the round started with seven
players, two of which were Agorans, Roujo and Arkady. (I am not a
player, and in any case I was not Agoran when I created the game.)
Arkady's nation (Arcadia, of course) was the first eliminated, and Imagi
is not in great shape.
Anyone interested in either spot, please email me!
-Daniel Mehkeri, GM of 207 kittens.