I haven't gotten very far into the ruleset, so this proto will probably grow a bit. (I sure hope it does.)
---------- Protoproposal h0140 (AI=2) Tyop O Increment I had started writing a Proposal fixing *all* the "spelling errors", thinking I would be the MIGHTY CLEANER of the Ruleset[...] -- Manu, in agora-discussion Amend Rule 1023 (Common Definitions) by replacing the text reading: (5) A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which at least one person won the game. When used as a period of time, a "game" is the period of time between a pivot and the next pivot. with text reading: (6) A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which at least one person won the game. When used as a period of time, a "game" is the period of time between a pivot and the next pivot. Revision history. 2013-07-23. * First version. ---------- -- Michael Slone