On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Fool <fool1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Create a Power-2 Rule titled "Auctions":
> Don't we already have an auction rule? Can we fix it or get rid of it?

It was repealed.

>>          When in effect, unless
>>          a fine for that case has already been satisfied, the ninny
>>          SHALL pay a cost of that amount of currency to satisfy the
>>          fine in a timely fashion; if e fails to do so within four
>>          days, and has at least that amount, then any player CAN
>>          destroy that amount from eir possession by announcement to
>>          satisfy the fine.
> Do we want people to be able to destroy less than that amount? See CFJ 3357.

I wouldn't bother having that, it would just make things more
confusing.  In that case it was the judge's fault for fining a
non-liquid currency the defendant didn't have, but if it were Yaks, it
would be reasonable to expect em to bargain with another players for

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