On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Starting 6 individual simultaneous VT auctions (where for example you
> have to say "I bid in auction #3") seems very broken.  I think the
> auction rule has to take into account multiple lots (final price
> being the Nth highest bid for N lots).

The idea is that since the lifetimes differ, it makes more sense to
conduct the auctions separately.   Might be too complicated to play
with, but intentional - the alternative might be ending up with a
crappy VT because you were in second place when vying for a very good

>>      While an Auction is in progress, each active player has an
>>      Auction Account for that auction;
> What happens to the funds in auction accounts at the end of the
> auction?  This makes everyone's account disappear at the end of the
> auction, so even the losers pay...?

Oh crap.  Should've waited before distributing.  Duh.

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