From: "Peter Suber" <>
Date: 1 Jul 2013 07:13
Subject: Re: Agora Nomic celebrates 20 years
To: "Steven Gardner" <>

> Dear Agoranomicists,
> Congratulations on your 20 year game of Nomic. To my knowledge, you're
taking part in the longest-running game of Nomic anywhere. More, it must be
one of the longest-running games of any kind. I've heard of chess-by-mail
contests lasting for years, but slow games are not the same as rich games
and can't compare to your record of 7,000+ proposals and 3,000+ calls for
> I admire your dedication and persistence, and I'm grateful for the living
proof that Nomic has the depth, texture, and complexity to hold the
interest of so many interesting people for so long. Bravo to all of you,
and here's to another 20 years!
>      All the best,
>      Peter
> Peter Suber

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