On Jun 11, 2013, at 3:43 PM, omd wrote:
> Arguments: ...but if the statement were true, it would also be true
> that every judgement is appropriate and inappropriate, due to the
> principle of explosion.  There is no alternative to paraconsistent
> logic.  Any formal system that can be used to assign a truth value to
> a statement like "TRUE is an appropriate judgement", but which does
> not trivially derive it from the contradiction elsewhere, is
> paraconsistent by definition.  The answer to this CFJ merely depends
> on how you want to make your logic paraconsistent.  One method, which
> you seem to support, is to simply blow away whatever axioms would make
> the system inconsistent - or possibly only instantiations of axioms
> with quantifiers that make the system inconsistent - which I suppose
> could be called preservationism.

I wouldn't say I support blowing away whatever axioms would make the system 
inconsistent. I'd say that we just shouldn't consider a rule to be an axiom in 
the first place unless taking it as an axiom would result in a consistent 
system. I don't think this is a type of paraconsistent logic, since the 
principle of explosion remains a valid argument.


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