On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> Encasing one of your ISIDs in an ISIDefine does not prevent it from being
> ISID.  Also, CFJ 2737.

I'm not attempting to do anything that even *resembles* infinite
descent. Why do you think I am? CFJ 2737 is irrelevant here, because I
am not attempting to take any actions that are related to infinity in
any way.

Yes, the word "Foo" is defined as calling a CFJ containing the word
"Foo". Why is that significant at all? The phrase "Strawberry Fields
Forever" is defined as a specific song whose lyrics contain the phrase
"strawberry fields forever". Does that mean that "Strawberry Fields
Forever" is an infinite song?

I'm simply defining, and then using, a shorthand for two completely
well-defined, well-determined, and finite actions, which do not in any
way refer to or contain themselves or each other. I am doing nothing
but calling (at most) three CFJs, the text of each of which can easily
be written out in full. Allow me to demonstrate:

I call a CFJ on the statement "I have already called a CFJ in this
message. (Foo)". I call a CFJ on the statement "I have already called
a CFJ in this message. (Bar)". I call a CFJ on the statement "I have
already called a CFJ in this message. (Plaz)".

Are you happy now?


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