Proto-Proposal:  Trinary logic
(AI = 3)

Create a rule titled "Trinary Switches" with Power 2 and this text:

      A trinary switch is a switch defined as such.  A trinary switch
      has values true and false, and optionally one or more conditions
      (in which case it is true if and only if all its conditions are
      true).  Creating or modifying such conditions is secured.

Amend Rule 2337 (Promises) by replacing its second paragraph with
this text:

      A Player (the promise's author) CAN create a promise in eir
      possession by announcement, clearly specifying:

        a) Its text.

        b) Optionally, the condition(s) for its usability (trinary
           promise switch, default true).

        c) Optionally, the value and/or condition(s) for its
           reusability (trinary promise switch, default false).

        d) Optionally, the value and/or condition(s) for its
           returning (trinary promise switch, default false).

Amend Rule 2338 (Cashing Promises) to read:

      An entity CAN cash a usable promise in eir possession by
      announcing that e does so; e must clearly and unambiguously
      identify the promise, and SHOULD publish its text.

      When a promise is cashed, the text of the promise is interpreted
      as if it were published by its author as a standalone statement;
      if that statement requires additional context, that context MUST
      be supplied within the body of the message indicating the
      cashing.  Cashing a promise destroys it, unless it is reusable or

      If a promise is possessed by the Tree, any player except the
      promise's author CAN transfer it to emself by announcement,
      provided that e cashes it in the same message.  Cashing a
      returning promise transfers it to the Tree.

      Horton CAN destroy any promise Without Objection.

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