On Fri, 13 Jul 2012, ais523 wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-07-13 at 13:09 -0600, WoodsPam wrote:
> > Is there any player still playing that was a player when the game
> > first started, or has the entire roster of players changed (perhaps
> > several times)?
> Nobody's been a player continuously for the whole game.
> You do get players from the past turning up from time to time, though.
> (I know G. was around quite a long time ago, although I'm not sure if he
> was there right at the start or not. There may be others.)

Murphy is clearly the "most continuous", continuous registration from
1996 to 2007, and only briefly gone in 2007.

I was part of Nomic World MUD/MOO from its very start in 1992, while at 
University (it was announced in rec.games.board IIRC).  I graduated and 
went off backpacking before grad school over a year before it was really 
possible to stay online while doing so (incidentally, met up with Steve 
and bummed around Turkey with him for a bit).  While I was gone, Nomic 
World died and Agora started.  So I missed "the start" unless Nomic World 

When I got back to grad school in 94, I'd left things like email addresses 
etc. back with my old university account[*], so after a cursory check (this
was After the Web, but Before Search Engines) that the nomic world links 
were dead, forgot all about it - didn't know it had moved to a list.

Reconnected after a link appeared in a random comment in a thread on 
gaming on Slashdot in early 2001.  This actually led to a Great Registration
Boom, including the return of Evantine and his nemesis (dum-dum-DUUUM) 
Lindrum, both of whom played for a bit.  Also was the genesis of the

And my registration led to the earliest "X is/is not a player" CFJ in the 
(admittedly incomplete) CotC database.

But anyway, I missed all of 1993-2000.

There were a lot of "original" players still playing in 2001.  Interestingly, 
there seemed to be a big discontinuity around 2002-2003.  During this time, 
a lot of "from the beginning players" (Chuck, Michael,Steve, Blob) left.  
No particular single reason, just drifted away, so I think Murphy and I are
the only ones left even from 2001 era.

[*] I actually had a backup on a 10" reel-to-reel tape.  For a VAX.
I later lost the tape.


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