On Thu, 2012-06-28 at 09:52 -0700, Ozymandias Haynes wrote: > I have another idea for a win by paradox which circumvents the > restrictions on self-reference. As I am ignorant of Agoran custom, I > thought I would ask first: would it be poor form of me to submit a new > CFJ before the first one has worked its way through the system?
Sending through more than about five at once is considered poor form (unless it's as part of some sort of scam, in which case it's poor form to give the CFJs anything other than trivial statements like "this is a CFJ" in order to clarify that there isn't actually a bunch of separate questions to be resolved). There used to be a rule limiting it to five per player per week, but the limit isn't really needed in practice. Two or three is perfectly fine, though. -- ais523