ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-03 at 10:44 -0700, Ed Murphy wrote:

=========================  Criminal Case 3217  =========================

      Sun, 27 May 2012 14:14:46 +0100

==============================  CFJ 3218  ==============================

      Sun, 27 May 2012 14:14:46 +0100


CFJ: There exist CFJs with ID numbers 3217 and 3218, and they are
assigned to ais523.

Evidence: The above-quoted message excerpt.

Arguments: The record of the CFJs seem to be corrupted both on the CotC
website and the email assigning them, so I'm not convinced it's
identified the CFJs well enough to successfully assign an ID number or a
judge. (And I'm not sure offhand what the CFJs refer to, or even if they
are genuinely a criminal and inquiry case linked to each other, which is


The CotC website has since been fixed.  (I sent a fix announcement, so
3217-18 should exist and be assigned to ais523 now, even if they weren't
at the time this case was initiated.)

Looking up the timestamp in the a-b archive turns up exactly one
message, written by FKA441344, including two CFJs (matching 3215-16) and
a proposal and two more CFJs (matching 3217-18 except for the botched
copy+paste of statements).  In context, while this effort shouldn't have
been necessary, it doesn't seem unreasonable either.

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