On 9 January 2012 23:59, Ben Schultz <ben.dov.schu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gratuitous counter argument, possibly erroneous:
> I seem to recall that Agoran precedent allows non-players to submit CFJs 
> without affecting their player (or non-player) status.
> OscarMeyr

I think this is not so much "Agoran precedent" as enshrined in the rules.

Rule 591, second sentence: "An inquiry case CAN be initiated by any
first-class person, by announcement which includes the statement to be
inquired into."

Seems pretty clear cut to me - non-player first-class people (do we
prefer persons?) can initiate an inquiry. Criminal cases can be
initiated by any person according 1504, while the rules on membership
say we must unambiguously announce an intention to join the game.

Since a non-player first-class person CAN initiate a case without
being a player, there is no reason to interpret a CFJ as a request for
playership - therefore there is also no reason to affect their


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