On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=3086
> ==============================  CFJ 3086  ==============================
>    Agora's right to participate in the fora is substantially
>    limited.
> ========================================================================

Vaguely: Wasn't there a precedent that partnerships' rights weren't
violated by repealing the partnership rule because that was the
"natural" way for them to die?  In that case, the "natural" way for
Agora to participate in the fora would be an appropriate rule-defined
mechanism, and the current lack of one just means Agora doesn't feel
like doing anything.

R2351 might muck that up.

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