On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Taral <tar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proto-proto:
> Office elections start with a player bidding X ergs for the position.
> Other players can bid against them, and lowest bid wins (after a
> certain amount of time? anti-sniping?). The salary for the office is
> the bid value.

Not-Proposal: Office bidding (AI=2, Distributable via fee)
Co-author: Taral

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by replacing the text from "When
an election is initiated" to the end of the rule with:

      An election lasts for one week.  During the election, a player
      CAN submit a bid for a specified Interest Index by announcement
      (the value of the bid must be legal for an Interest Index).  The
      current holder of the office (if any) implicitly submits a bid
      for the office's current II at the start of the election.
      During the first five days of the election, the person who
      submitted a bid CAN retract it by announcement.

      The winner of an election is the player who submitted the lowest
      bid.  In case of a tie, the IADoP selects a winner among the
      tied players when resolving it.  If no players submitted valid
      bids, there is no winner.

      The IADoP CAN resolve an unresolved, ended election by
      announcement, specifying the winner (if any), and SHALL do so as
      soon as possible after the end of the election.  If there is a
      winner, this causes em to be installed into the office, and the
      II of the office to be set to the value of eir lowest bid.

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