Roujo wrote:

> Aren't I already standing? One of my first game actions was to stand,
> and I haven't been assigned a case since. I thought it was only
> because I'm considered poorly qualified to judge anything since I'm a
> new player. =P

No, one of your first /attempted/ game actions was to stand.  It
wasn't effective (and I'm pretty sure it was pointed out at the
time).  Here are the relevant parts of Rule 1871:

      A player CAN flip eir posture to any non-standing value by

      The CotC CAN rotate the bench (change all sitting players to
      standing) by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so unless, of the
      judicial cases requiring assignment:

       a) no entity is well-qualified to be assigned to any of them;

       b) e immediately afterwards (in the same announcement) assigns
          a judge to at least one of them.

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