On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Sean Hunt <scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> Denied.  As (a) the message has not yet been sent *via* the fora (see
>> whatever CFJ referred to that) and (b) the moderation does not violate
>> your right to participate in the fora (you had plenty of time to
>> change to a pastebin or whatever, and you should have known it would
>> be moderated), I am quite certain that it takes effect either when it
>> is approved, or never.
> I call a CFJ with II 2 explicitly doubting the most recent PSM's report on
> {I created 150 or more capacitors last week.}
> Arguments:
> I certainly forgot about the moderation. There is, to my knowledge, no
> documentation of it anywhere. Historically, it has come up very infrequently
> - the only other times I can recall it ever mattering are when people want
> to post extremely long theses. And my thesis wasn't that long. Furthermore,
> the message was time sensitive - I needed to publish it ASAP as possible
> after ehird's message as the Justiciar of the moment could have stolen the
> scam. As a result, I feel my right to participation has been violated.


- The limit has also come up a few times in scam attempts!
- A long message was not required; a message like your followup one
that was slightly more explicit on which CFJs you wanted capacitors
from and which ergs would have been fine (for me).
- Nobody actually stole the scam attempt.
- The message has still not come through.
- TRUE would be insanely bad for the game.

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