scshunt wrote:

> I assume Promotor and distribute the following proposal:
> Proposal: My Rights (AI=3, II=1, Distributable via fee, Urgent,
>                       authored by scshunt, Ordinary, ID 6943)
> {{{
> Enact a new Power-3 Rule:
>        scshunt CAN perform by announcement any action that no rule says
>        e CANNOT or SHALL NOT perform, provided that action does not
>        change the rules.
> }}}
> I submit that voting against this proposal is illegal as Rule 101 
> clearly says that I have the right (though not necessarily the ability) 
> to perform these actions. While R101 does not grant the ability, I have 
> the right to perform them, and without the ability, I cannot exercise 
> that right. Accordingly, I submit this proposal as a means to give 
> myself the power to exercise my right, and to deny me this would violate 
> Rule 101.

First, the R101 right only covers actions "not prohibited or regulated
by the rules".  Second, Rule 2125 would still count as "a rule that
says e CANNOT or SHALL NOT perform an action" - though it could be
argued that this rule would allow scshunt to perform by announcement
actions that e could otherwise perform only by some other method,
e.g. Without Objection.

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