Here's some temporary tracking info related to Proposals 6877-94. Rests pre-Rebellion:
14 Tanner L. Swett 1 Wooble 6 Keba Base voting limits if ehird was not a Rebel (CFJ 2897), thus the Rebellion failed: 5 Murphy 10 G. 7 scshunt 5 ais523 (but see below) 5 Yally (but see below) 0 omd 2 ehird 2 Taral 2 Sge 2 Tanner L. Swett 2 Keba 2 Ienpw III 2 Tiger 2 Wooble Rest changes if the Rebellion failed: Tue 9 Nov 00:39:55 omd +2; G., ais523, scshunt, Wooble +1 Tue 9 Nov 12:11:07 ais523 -1 Sat 13 Nov 20:46:24 G. -1 Sat 13 Nov 22:59:26 omd -1 Sun 14 Nov 01:17:51 Wooble -2 Base voting limits if ehird was a Rebel, thus the Rebellion succeeded: 5 omd 10 G. 7 ais523 5 scshunt 5 Wooble 0 ehird (but see below) 2 Yally (but see below) 2 Taral 2 Sge 2 Tanner L. Swett 2 Keba 2 Ienpw III 2 Tiger 2 Murphy Rest changes if the Rebellion succeeded: Tue 9 Nov 00:39:55 Wooble -1 Rest changes regardless of whether the Rebellion succeeded: Fri 12 Nov 14:10:56 Keba, scshunt +2; omd +4 If Yally's move succeeded (CFJ 2898), then e moved up one position immediately before voting. If Yally was Head Gardener when e voted, then e vetoed each proposal that e voted AGAINST and rubberstamped each proposal that e voted FOR. Votes (not taking voting limits into account): Yally A A A A A F A A F F P A P A F F A F G. A A A F F F A F A F A F F F F F A F scshunt F A * F F F F F A * F A F F F F F F ^ endorse Flameshadowxeroshin ^ endorse the Captain (ais523 by a 7-prop margin as of 8 Nov) Murphy A A A F A A A A P P P A F F F F A F