ehird wrote:

> I rebel! yaaar! What does rebellion do again?

Rule 2270, summary:  when a player begins a coup:

  a) The initiator is a rebel, the Speaker isn't, everyone else has
     four days to become one (non-retractable)

  b) The more rebels, the more likely the rebellion is to succeed

        i) If it fails, all rebels gain a Rest, the initiator gains
           another Rest, and the Speaker gains a Leadership Token

       ii) If it succeeds, then all rebels lose all their Rests, the
           initiator becomes Speaker, and the other rebels move to
           the top of the list of succession (first one who rebelled
           = first position etc.)

In practice, there's a tension between

  * rebelling early (unknown chance of success, big gain if it does)

  * rebelling after several others (good chance of success, small
    gain if it does)

  * not rebelling (were you high or low on the list to begin with? also,
    if you're the Pariah, then the potential to lose your weekly maximum
    of Rests may be more important than your position on the list)

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