On 8 October 2010 00:19, Sean Hunt <scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> On 10/07/2010 06:13 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
>> On 7 October 2010 23:57, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu>  wrote:
>>> On Thu, 7 Oct 2010, Sean Hunt wrote:
>>>> On 10/07/2010 05:23 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
>>>>> On 7 October 2010 23:13, Sean Hunt<scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> I intend, with notice, to Bestow Favors.
>>>>>> -coppro
>>>>> Can you do that?
>>>> I can intend to do anything.
>>>> In fact, I intend, with notice, to cause Rule 101 to amend itself to say
>>>> "coppro is The Agoran" at the end.
>>> It's not clear that you can do things With Notice that other officers can
>>> only due without Objection.  For example, you may need to do those both
>>> with notice and without objection.
>>> Anyway, I recommend someone move em off the title of grand vizier.
>>> I'd do it but I won't have the ergs before the notice period ends.
>>> If someone moves me to grand vizier (cost: 5 ergs) I promise not to
>>> use said powers until we judge whether a fix is needed.
>>> -G.
>> I hereby Bestow Favours!
>> I want everyone currently in the highest positions of the list to stay
>> there, in the same order, except coppro who should be just outside the
>> range for a fancy title (or, I mean, the range of positions which I
>> can put people on when Bestowing Favours.) So the one who's right
>> below there shuffles one step up, and coppro shouldn't be Grand
>> Vizier. Yeah. I bestow those favours.
> -coppro
Oh, very well. Just the ambiguity or something else I'm missing?


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