Am Freitag, den 17.09.2010, 10:13 -0400 schrieb Geoffrey Spear:
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Keba <> wrote:
> > An invasion consisting of one player? (Or miss I someone?) Did I do
> > anything wrong to deal me out?
> One player?  Blognomic's Riddler took direct action to make you the
> Speaker; this conspiracy touches the highest levels of both BN and
> Agora.  

Do you refer to ais523? E has played Agora before playing BN (according
to the Registar, ais523 joined Agora on 28 Apr 08 and e joined BN on 08
Feb 09, months later. [1]) I wouldn't say e comes from BN.

Additionally, my scam was a lot of luck and ais523 didn't care much
about being the speaker (and I assume e didn't care who is the speaker
either) and helped me doing so. That has nothing to do with my
membership in BN. (by the way, I'm idling there, in one of ais523's
dynasties!). ais523 would have helped any player to do the same "scam" I

Well, I thought the emergency sessions were invented for invasions like
"10 friends join and want to gain some power by working together" and
not for one player who becomes speaker within a month.


> And certainly it's no coincidence that our most vehement
> anti-invasion Player, Sgeo, has been strangely silent recent *and* is
> Idle in Blognomic.


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