Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Sep 2010, Keba wrote:
> > [Generally, this could be done by the CotC very well, but both the CotC
> > and the Herald got to do too many jobs, so we are ready for a new
> > office.]
> I agree, but let me offer a puzzle.  Refactor the following jobs into
> three offices, balanced for both theme and workload:
> Rests
> Fragments
> Leadership Tokens
> Teams/Fans
> Patent Titles
> Ribbons

I have thought about "re-officing" Agora a rather long time, I'm sorry
for answering so late.

> My attempt:
>    Herald gets Patent Titles, Ribbons and Fragments
>    Referee gets Teams/Fans and Leadership Tokens
>    Police get rests.
>    Granulator goes away.

The police should also deal with NoVs. Fragments have nothing to do with
the Herald's job. The most appropriative office would be the Promotor, I
assume. But this office is overloaded as well. (Well, if Promotor Tanner
L. Swett wants to do that, okay!)

Or we do not remove the Granulator, but make eir repots monthly?

> For balance, the police could pick up Ribbons or Fragments, but
> that's not very thematic.

Right, and I don't like to mix the law offices with game-play offices

I assume I will propose something this week.


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