Wooble wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> It strikes me that when an officer ends up unresigned and inactive, the
>> office gets stuck.  Is this right currently?  Should we amend deputisation
>> to allow for inactive offices, not just vacant?  (and are there other places
>> to add same, election procedure etc.)?
>> [This is not to say you won't come back as soon as you can coppro, this
>> just made me notice the bug in general].
> When an officer becomes inactive, all of eir offices become Assumed.
> Anyone can assume the office, and even immediately resign it if it
> seems likely that things will get done by deputization more
> efficiently when the office is empty.

*rereads R1006* Okay, you're right, the *office* needs to be elected
(not imposed), but the holder can be either postulated or assumed.

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