I want to ear a Farad!

On Sep 2, 2010 4:18 PM, "Kerim Aydin" <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal, AI-3, Reward Urgency:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Amend the Rule entitled "Urgent Proposals" by replacing:
> The Promotor CAN distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it
> becomes Distributable, and e SHALL do so within four
> days unless it becomes undistributable in the mean time.
> Failure to do so is the Class 1 Crime of Lack of Urgency.
> with:
> The Promotor CAN distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it
> becomes Distributable, and e SHALL do so within four
> days unless it becomes undistributable in the mean time.
> The Assessor SHALL make a reasonable attempt to resolve a
> decision to adopt an urgent proposal within 4 days of its
> voting period ending. Failure to meet these deadlines is
> the Class 1 Crime of Lack of Urgency.
> and by appending:
> If the Promotor distributes an Urgent Proposal within 48
> hours of its becoming distributable, e ears a farad. If
> the Assessor resolves a decision to adopt an urgent
> proposal within 48 hours of its voting period ending, e
> earns a farad.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------

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