On 08/27/2010 02:06 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
On 26 August 2010 23:22, Keba<ag...@kebay.org>  wrote:
I submit a Proposal "Journey fix" (AI=1, II=1, distributable via fee)

I'd personally prefer a fix that made the first wormhole explicitly a
"Shuttle loses, enemy wins" scenario and pushing backwards into it fit
into Hoisting one's own petard, but as I'm to lazy/busy to write
proposals at this time I'm happy with any fix.

This whole thing is a contest now anyway, right?

CFJ:  G. has joined the Space Alert contest.
I bar Tiger


Does this clause:
    Create a new contest whose contestmaster is the current holder of the
    office of Ship Computor, whose instructions are the concatenated texts
    of rules 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2302 (in the given order), and
    whose internal gamestate is identical, in all possible respects, to
    the current state of the subgame of Space Alert as defined by those
apply to membership which isn't defined for Space Alert?  Does this make
me a member without explicit consent?  Does the fact that contestification
of Space Alert was adopted before contests were defined (proposals 6791
and 6792) matter?  Also note, if my voting FOR these proposals (I did)
is what makes me consent, it would be interesting to know the answer for
someone who didn't vote, or voted AGAINST.  Does "participate" in the
contest rule mean one can play without "joining"?  If any player can
"participate", if they break a contest instruction (former rule) what
happens?  Etc.

6792 was resolved first.

Also, contests are binding only on the contestmaster, so in effect what constitutes joining is up to them.


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