I wrote:

> Voting results for Proposals 6583 - 6589:
> [This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
>  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
>  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).]
> [If G.'s play of Kill Bill targeting 6589 was successful, then
> only one vote per player is effective, its Adoption Index is 4,
> and it is rejected with total votes 4F 2A.]
> x6583  OG1  4.0  c.          Crumbling Fountain
> x6584  OG0  2.0  c.          Proposal
> *6585  D 0  3.0  c.          Boilerplate!
> x6586  D 1  4.0  c.          More Citrine Repeals
> *6587  OG0  2.0  c.          Citrine Fix
> x6588  OG1  3.0  c.          R101 changes
> *6589  OG0  3.0  c.          Clarify R101 deregistration
>             6583  6584  6585  6586  6587  6588  6589
> c.           6F    6F     F     F    6F    6F    6F
> coppro       6F    6P     A     A    6F    6A    6F
> G.           5F    5F     F     F    5F    5A    5A
> Murphy       5A    5A     F     P    5P    5P    5F
> Pavitra       F     A     F                 A     F
> Yally         F     A     F     F     P     F     A
> AI            4     2     3     4     2     3     3
> VI            3.8   1.5+  5     3    *U*    0.5+  3
> F/A         19/5  11/7   5/1   3/1  17/0   7/12 18/6
> Quorum        5     5     5     5     5     5     5
> Voters        6     6     6     5     5     6     6

On 6586 and 6587, Pavitra voted [DEPENDS(6582) -> AGAINST] * eir
voting limit.  This does not affect either overall result (total
votes are 3F 2A on 6586, 17F 2A on 6587).

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