On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Sean Hunt wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> I call the following CFJ:  It is POSSIBLE to make a rule change to Rule 104
>> in a four-week period.
>> Arguments:
>> If you think it's POSSIBLE, just try to.
>> (In the context of R1698, is the regular democratic defense of R104 the
>> ultimate in nomic-ness or the ultimate in non-nomic-ness?)
>> -G.
> TRUE. I COULD deregister you all and, with that power, take over, and repeal 
> it.
> I'm not going to do that, but it's certainly POSSIBLE.

I'm not daring you, but I hear an awful lot of "coulds" with respect to 
R104.  That's not proof of the assertion (and note: POSSIBLE is not 
actually defined in MMI, but it's opposite, IMPOSSIBLE from R1698 is 
simply "Attempts to perform the described action are unsuccessful."  
Does it matter if the lack-of-success is because there's a collective
social stigma for doing so, such that no one lets it succeed?


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