2009/10/27 Jonatan Kilhamn <jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com>: > Proto, I don't agree to this yet: > ---- Still a proto:
I. Contract stuff The name of this contract is Agora Fluxx. Anyone may join or leave this contract by announcement. Any party may amend this contract without party objection. The rest of the contract notwithstanding, members of this contract CANNOT be obligated by it to perform any action not defined by this contract, nor any action whose effects are not restricted to this contract. All assets defined by this contract have their ownership restricted to members of this contract. The contestmaster CAN create, destroy or transfer any such assets by announcement, but other members CANNOT. Such assets can also be platonically created, destroyed or transferred. The contestmaster SHALL NOT cheat to favour or disfavour anyone. II. The Game of Fluxx Every party to this contract except the contestmaster is a player of the Game of Fluxx. From this point onwards, the term player refers to a player of the Game of Fluxx rather than a player of Agora. III. How it's played Cards are assets. There are four classes of cards: Rules, Actions, Goals and Keepers. Each card has a Text, initially known only to the contestmaster. When a card is owned by the contestmaster, it is either In Play, in the Deck or in the Discard Pile. When a card is owned by a player, it is either in eir Hand or In Front Of em. When a card is moved to a location which means that it would change owner, it is transferred accordingly. When a player is to draw one or more cards, the contestmaster shall within 72 hours move that many cards, chosen at random, from the Deck to that player's Hand. If a card is discarded, it is moved to the Discard Pile. If the Deck contains no cards, all cards from the Discard Pile are moved to the Deck. Cardplays are a currency, tracked by the contestmaster. When a player plays a card, e loses one cardplay and the card takes effect as follows: - If it is a Rule or a Goal, it comes In Play. Any other card of the same Type already In Play is discarded. - If it is an Action, the instructions in its Text are carried out. It is then discarded. - If it is a Keeper, it is placed In Front Of the player who played it. If a player has no cardplays, e cannot play cards. Turn Tokens (TTs) are assets. Any player can transfer a TT from the contestmaster to emself. A player who owns a TT can start eir turn; e may then not do so again until it has ended. When a player starts eir turn, e draws 1 card. E then gains 1 cardplay. When e has used all eir cardplays e then ends eir turn by transferring a TT to the next person on the Play Order list who does not own a TT. Whenever the cards of a player's Hand change, the contestmaster shall within 72 hours send em a private message outlining the new Hand. The contestmaster may start a New Game by publishing a Play Order list of all Players and a list of the names of all cards in the Initial Deck for that Game. When e does so, all cards, cardplays and TTs are destroyed, the cards of the Initial Deck are created and moved to the Deck, 2 TTs are created in eir possession, and each player draws three cards. At least once a week, the contestmaster shall publish a Fluxx Report including: - The number of cards in each player's Hand - The Keepers In Front Of each player - The Rules and Goals In Play - The number of cards in the Deck and the Discard Pile, respectively - The whereabouts of all Turn Tokens - The Play Order list of all players If someone joins this contract when a Game is in progress e draws 3 cards, and the contestmaster shall include em in the Play Order list in the next Fluxx Report. If a player leaves the contract, all cards in eir Hand are destroyed and any Turn Tokens e owned are transferred to the contestmaster. The contestmaster can declare a break in the game. If e does, all game actions become impossible and all obligations are postponed until e declares that the game is on. IV. Cards (or What to expect) All Goal cards are the same Type. The following are Types of Rule cards. (x is any number or word) - Draw x - Play x - Hand Limit x - Keeper Limit x Any player can add a card to the Deck of an ongoing game without 2 objections, providing e publishes the name, type and Text of the card in the same message as e announces the intent to do so. The contestmaster can create and destroy cards by announcement. The Text of cards take precedence over Section III. of this contract. ---------- -- -Tiger