On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 16:47, Roger Hicks <pidge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 16:30, comex <com...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you have a copy of the card history on your website not trimmed to
>> the last month?
> You can use the following variables in the querystring:
> time - specify an integer number of days, the history section will
> include the specified number of days of history (defaults to 30)
> past - specify a past date and time (from July 2009 on). The reports
> will display a snapshot of the Agoran gamestate as of that date
> (defaults to the current date/time)
> Example:
> http://nomic.bob-space.com/agoralog.aspx?time=90&past=10/01/09
> Displays a snapshot of Agoran history as of October 1st, including the
> preceding 90 days history.
> BobTHJ
Oh, and you can use those variables on either the HTML or the plain
text versions of the reports.


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