Charles Walker wrote:
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn
<> wrote:
A friend on an RPG forum wrote this, and I felt that I should share it
with nomicers. The only ones I know are the Agorans and the Bns (and
I'm not even very active there anymore), so here you go. It's about a
game mentioned by name and described only as "being about creating and
interpreting the game while you play it" in a swedish fantasy RPG. I
translated it into English but I can't think of a good name for the
game. In Swedish it's called "Smickelbräde". The "-bräde" part simply
means that it's a game played with a board, but noone seems to know
what writers of the original RPG where the name appeared first meant
with the "smickel-" part, since it's not really a word. In this text
it's called the game of Ideas, but that's just because I needed
something other than <insert name here> to allow you to read it.
Hope you like it.

I've been thinking for a while about setting up a contest which is a
nomic or is nomic-like, which would reset when someone won it. This
could be a good basis for that. The First Speaker emself had some
related ideas:



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