On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:46 PM, ais523 <callforjudgem...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> (/me watches as people turn around their arguments and start claiming it
> isn't a dependent action after all.)

sure it is.
16:47 < comex> without member objection = without 1 objections, with
the eligibility restriction (as allowed by R2124) that only members
can object
16:47 < comex> A rule authorizing the performance of
16:47 < comex>       a dependent action may further restrict the eligibility of
16:47 < comex>       players to support or object to that specific action.
16:47 < ais523> err, contracts aren't rules
16:48 < ais523> that specifically says rules

Interesting.  Fix proposal coming up, but it doesn't allow the scam
(just allows anyone to object to contract-defined "without member
objection" clauses)


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